69% Choleric,
69% Sanguine,
46% Supine,
69% Melancholy and 54% Phlegmatic! @__@|||
Hmm...kind of balance wat~ XD
Okay, dis is another personality test my fren wanted me to do~
Each of the elements have it's definition and meaning,
here is the details which i found in wikipedia.
Motivation: Power
Needs: To Look Good (Academically), To Be Right, To Be Respected, Approval
Wants: To Hide Insecurities (Tightly), To Please Self, Leadership, Challenging Adventure
Positives: Independent, Have Goals, Know How They Want to Solve a Problem, Decisive, Visionary
Negatives: Cruel, Egotis
tical, Unemotional, Domineering, Unforgiving
Motivation: Intimacy
Needs: To Be Good (Morally), To Be Understood, To Be Appreciated, Acceptance,
Wants: To Reveal Insecurities, To Please Others, Autonomy, Security
Positives: Gifted, Self Sacrificing, Helpful, Thoughtful, Faithful
Negatives: Moody, Critical, Negative, Resentful, Suspicious
Motivation: Peace
Needs: To Feel Good (Inside), To Be Understood, To Be Respected, Acceptance, To Reveal Insecurities
Wants: To Please Others, Protection, Contentment
Positives: Peace Makers, Quiet, High Self Control, Calm in a Crisis, Efficient, Good Listener
Negatives: Unmotivated, Procrastinate, Indecisive, Fearful, Avoider
Motivation: Fun
Needs: To Look Good (Socially), To Be Popular, To Be Praised, Approval
Wants: To Hide Insecurities (Loosely), To Be Noticed, Freedom, Playful Adventure
Positives: Entertaining, Outgoing, Responsive, Warm, Friendly
Negatives: Undependable, Undisciplined, Egotistical, Prone to Exaggeration, Compulsive Talker
Motivation: Contribution
Needs: To Look Humble, To Serve a Greater Purpose, To Be Accepted, To Protect Weaknesses.
Wants: Recognition for Service, Opportunities to Serve, To Contribute to a Higher Calling, To Be Protected
Positives: Caring, Giving, Gentle, Dependable, Loyal
Negatives: Insecure, Manipulative, Weak Willed, Indecisive, Harbors Ill Will
Motivation: Intimacy
Needs: To Be Good (Morally), To Be Understood, To Be Appreciated, Acceptance,
Wants: To Reveal Insecurities, To Please Others, Autonomy, Security
Positives: Gifted, Self Sacrificing, Helpful, Thoughtful, Faithful
Negatives: Moody, Critical, Negative, Resentful, Suspicious
Motivation: Peace
Needs: To Feel Good (Inside), To Be Understood, To Be Respected, Acceptance, To Reveal Insecurities
Wants: To Please Others, Protection, Contentment
Positives: Peace Makers, Quiet, High Self Control, Calm in a Crisis, Efficient, Good Listener
Negatives: Unmotivated, Procrastinate, Indecisive, Fearful, Avoider
Motivation: Fun
Needs: To Look Good (Socially), To Be Popular, To Be Praised, Approval
Wants: To Hide Insecurities (Loosely), To Be Noticed, Freedom, Playful Adventure
Positives: Entertaining, Outgoing, Responsive, Warm, Friendly
Negatives: Undependable, Undisciplined, Egotistical, Prone to Exaggeration, Compulsive Talker
Motivation: Contribution
Needs: To Look Humble, To Serve a Greater Purpose, To Be Accepted, To Protect Weaknesses.
Wants: Recognition for Service, Opportunities to Serve, To Contribute to a Higher Calling, To Be Protected
Positives: Caring, Giving, Gentle, Dependable, Loyal
Negatives: Insecure, Manipulative, Weak Willed, Indecisive, Harbors Ill Will